Emsworth Community Centre

Our mission: provide our community with an accessible by all Community Centre, that is a friendly, healthy and safe environment. There is a in-house cafe and we are home to Emsworth Library. A whole host of activities: film shows, classes for Children and Young people, dance and exercise classes, music, art, camera, education and other social groups. Click below to find schedules and contact details for all the activities at the centre.

The Friends Garden

The Friends Community Garden is open every day and evening for everyone to enjoy. The gates are open, please come in and explore. We are situated in the heart of Emsworth next door to the new surgery.

We offer the garden to local organisations for their own special events. We welcome any community group or local business to hold regular or one off meetings, groups and gatherings. All donations from bookings are gratefully received and help towards the upkeep of the garden. Please visit our website or email us for more information

Emsworth Community Hub

A drop-in centre offering refreshments, warmth, games, newspapers. Special drop-in sessions for people living with dementia or stroke, also craft sessions. Always a special welcome for elderly, people with learning disabilities, people looking for company. Contact Clair Holmes – 07904 094981 or Clairholmes228@Gmail.Com or see our Facebook page (click below) for up to date schedules

Emsworth Pastoral Centre

Welcome, friendship and refreshment to everyone without expectation. Food snack and light lunches Table Games Regular Events (e.g Hampshire Constabulary Beat Surgery, Tech Table) Hosted talks of a range of topics (e.g Fraud awareness, Falls prevention. Fun & Friendship Group (Thursdays) Companionship, a willingness to listen and signposting of individuals to appropriate/relevant agencies. Contact details in our picture or click below for our Facebook for details of our current activities

One Foundation

Provision of food via the food bank, warm hub, Free tea, coffee to those families within the community that need help. Food Bank and Warm Hub – Thursday 09:30 – 13:00, Friday 09:30 – 12:00